The Semantically Connected Semiconductor Supply Chains Project has made great progress in its work on Digital Reference Ontology during its three-year duration. The ontology describes semiconductor supply chains and integrates various widely used industry standards. For the collaborative work on ontology, we worked on an Ontology Curation Portal during the project. The portal allows relevant ontologies to be stored online in a commonplace, searched and browsed, compared, visualized, and much more. If you are interested, you are welcome to register directly with the portal and try out the different possibilities directly. Or you can visit our training session:

You can also use the portal for your work, so we would appreciate your feedback on the current status of the portal. Please take a few minutes and fill out our survey.


  The project receives grants from the European H2020 research and innovation programme,
ECSEL Joint Undertaking, under grant agreement no. 101007312

Project Facts

Short Name: SC3-Project

Full Name: SC3 Semantically Connected Semiconductor Supply Chains

Duration: 01.10.2020 - 30.09.2023

Total Costs: 1.99 Mio €

Consortium: 5 partners from 2 countries

Coordinator: Infineon Technologies AG